Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Overview on the Magazine Industry

Overview on the magazine industry

The magazine industry has been developing for a long period of time being one of the biggest sources of media out there. In statistics 54% of the population read a weekly magazine, with 63.5% being households which buy the magazine and they pass round for each other to read. They have predicted that the middle classes are the biggest drive for the consumer magazine revenue. The magazine revenue will be an upwards curve until 2019, but the revenue will be no higher gain that 0.55% in any forecast year.

The top magazine in the UK is TV choice, they earn around £18 million in profit a year as they have sold an huge 1,276,045 magazines a year. The second top magazine in the UK is TV choice which earns a estimate of £30.5 million a year. They earn more due to the magazine cost being higher than TV choice. They sold a huge 1,010,798 magazines in a year. This shows that the TV Listing magazines are the popular magazine to buy on the market. The third top magazine in the UK is take a break which earned around £27.1 million a year, the magazine sold 602,674 copies a year. This shows us that the biggest target audience is women as take a break is a women’s weeklies magazine. Looking at the top 10 magazines they all fall into the categories of women magazine and TV listings such as slimming world, glamour, new!, closer, Radio Times and chat being up in top 10.

The magazine which had the biggest fall for 2014 is readers digest which fell 38 per cent to 133,469 sales a month which is a huge fall. But the most successful magazine is forever sports which has a huge success with their launch with has a paid for circulation of 62,277 a month. Magazines aimed at children at pre-school age are continuing to do well. For example a new magazine called Peter Pan has a circulation of 34,487.

In the music magazine industry the biggest performing magazine is Q which is followed by Rolling stones and Entertainment weekly. They are all high performers with different type of edge to them. They are based at different audiences with different content.

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