Tuesday, 6 October 2015

questionnaire results analysis

I recently conducted a questionnaire which is suitable for college students aged 16-19 years old about what they would like in our magazine. From the results I have collected I am able to see what the students would like. The first question asked was do you read the college magazine. The feedback we got was that 90% of our audience said no which means that our magazine was failing and wasn’t working with our audience as they wasn’t reading it. The second question asked was how much are you willing to pay for the magazine. The feedback we received from the audience was 85% were willing to pay nothing up to 50p. This gives us a clear view that we need to either have the magazine as free or charge anything up to 50p to attract the audience to read it. The third question asked was how often would you like the magazine to be published. The feedback we received from the audience was 60% said they would like it either fortnightly or monthly. This gives us two options to consider when we re create the magazine which the audience would prefer. The fourth question asked was would freebies encourage you to buy the magazine. The feedback we received from the audience was a clear answer which was yes. The sixth question asked was what would you like on the front cover as the main image. The feedback we received from the audience was 75% wanted to see either a image of a student or students work. This gives us two clear pathways to consider when we create the magazine as that is what the audience wants. The seventh question asked was what would you like the magazine to be called. The feedback we received from the audience was that they didn’t mind but we had a few suggestions which had ‘EN’ on it which is a short pronunciation for our college name ‘East Norfolk’. So we still need to think of a magazine title. The eighth question asked was what colours would attract you to the magazine. The feedback we received from the audience was the six top colours being red, black, white, pink, purple, grey. When making the magazine I will pick around three or four colours as the theme out of the six. The ninth question asked was what fonts would you like on the magazine. The feedback we received from the audience was that they didn’t mind which font but we have decided on a modern font as we are aiming at students.   The tenth question asked was would you like people to advertise in the magazine. The feedback we received from the audience was that 60% said yes, so we will need to find people to advertise which could take time. The eleventh question we asked was would you like a jobs page. The feedback received from the audience was 95% wanted a jobs page. 

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